The ONLY e-book That Lets You Enjoy Two Chapters FREE Then Name YOUR OWN Price for the Rest!!!!

Plot Overview - The first 40 years

"An adventurous and well mentored childhood sees a young boy in 1956 - Bill Douglas, groomed to become an international assassin in the tradition of his family - The Douglas Clan dating back to the 8th Century.

Global, and personal events in addition to his genealogy intercede to shatter the fragile ground on which he must ply his trade, forcing him to constantly re-appraise his persona and personal life.

Unpredictable outcomes are inevitable since death at his hands is seldom a one way street.

Author's Note: This work can be read from Chapter 1 and in order throughout.

It can also be enjoyed by reading any chapter randomly. In each Bill Douglas is exposed at different times and in different scenarios.

Each chapter is an episode in itself while they are collectively intertwined. It is a living work, and the sequel is coming soon. It is a story with no beginning and no end. The Douglas family lives on.

As you complete this 40 year journey, no matter your choice of 'route' you'll experience a roller coaster ride of emotional , humorous and thrilling engagements."